The Quote Book

Friday, December 30, 2005

Unmysterious Guest Adult

Extract from a BBOC email by Jo Bradley (21)

20? you junior, mere piffling infanthood dear. wait until you're a proper adult

Woo, webcams!

Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
aw, nice, did you see that ?

Bailey says:
I saw... something...

Bailey says:

Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
mmy fddkjbrgrwkrr4

Bailey says:
Very informative, thank you

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Is it coz I is black?

Explanatory Note - Dr. Fan is Trinity's Pharmacology supervisor, and has sent us Xmas parcels of work...

Bailey says:
I hate having set work to do...
Richard Manns | My fluffy toy collection will knife-fight your fluffy toy collection... says:
And our essays back.
Bailey says:
ha - I don't think he knows what he's done with half of mine
Bailey says:
oh yeah - I meant to say in the email that I hadn't got Fan's work yet - do you think it's racist to refer to it as a SuperHappyFun HappySmile FanPharm Pack?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Christmas Eve Festivities

... namely, Scrabble.

My brother: "Something ending in O ... 'ego' ... 'ago' ... 'afterglow' ... no, wait..."

And later:

My dad: "Come on, dummy!"

My brother: [pouting, in a baby voice] Aw, he's being mean...

This is funnier when you take into account that my brother is 36 years old, and an English teacher.

Friday, December 23, 2005

How I Lost The Game Today

Uncle (Martin): "...yeah, would do 6 or 8 people..."

Sadly, after only starting to listen to the conversation at this point, I realised after a while he was talking about how many people could be fed from one roast chicken.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lol - sports bras...

Bailey says:
Richard Manns | My fluffy toy collection will knife-fight your fluffy toy collection... says:
*has to change trousers*
Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
Surely you'd just change your boxers Richard ?
Richard Manns | My fluffy toy collection will knife-fight your fluffy toy collection... says:
Nah - I'm so manly, any more and you'd have to change the carpet...
Bailey says:
Yeesh, remind me to only wear sports bras around him from now on...
Bailey says:
er, and clothes over them, obviously

Monday, December 19, 2005

It's genetic, I tell you!!!!!

You will see from this quote that my family are as bad as I am. Sociopathy/psychopathy is clearly born, not bred.

Setting: We're driving down the road, when...

Me: Hey! Watch out for that dog!

My relative: It's a stray - if I hit it, the city council will thank me...

Me: Yeah, but it'll make a mess on the front of the car...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Richard, get your mind out of the gutter. NOW.

Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
But did he have normal emotions ?
Richard Manns *cheap ads here* says:
I'm not sure how one would have an abnormal one...
Richard Manns *cheap ads here* says:
What's an abnormal one?
Richard Manns *cheap ads here* says:
In response to a tree?
Richard Manns *cheap ads here* says:
Or mebbe the erection itsself is an odd shape?
Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
Cez - Fabulous, darling! says:
Normal EMOTIONS.....

Richard Manns *cheap ads here* says:
Sorry, I made assumptions about you...

From an MSN conversation - oh yes, they're back! - between the Flooflebunny and the flooflephile. Quote has been edited for clarity.

Oh no Richard, you aren't pinning this one on me.

Mystery Guest Psychopath

At last I have found someone who understands.

MGP: "It's so much less amusing to mutilate something that doesn't scream."

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Steve teh Enemy says:
damn you Martin Luther King

Steve teh Enemy says:
you have *all* the dreams, don't you!

Bailey says:

Bailey says:
He had *one*...

Steve teh Enemy says:
but would he ever shut up about it

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Medics: Caring and compassionate

I know a lot of my quotes seem to be coming from various lectures/lecturers, but it seems that's all I ever do these days. What happened to my social life? Oh yeah, it went the same way as my Junior Scholarship.

This quote shows precisely what I want to be like if I ever grow up.

"This is a ten-year-old girl whose brain was full of cysts, and she kind of died."

Friday, December 09, 2005

To quote Richard - "MSN partay!"

Richard Manns Home - says:
This IS an exciting realm that we have ventured into...

Steve teh Enemy - Supervision Report Profit! says:
what shall we name this place?

Bailey Home says:
We shall claim this place in the name of the fabled BLUE BOAR

SunshineCez says:
That place is called Cambright, isn't it ?

Steve teh Enemy - Supervision Report Profit! says:
what noise does a Boar make?

Richard Manns Home - says:
Fabled? You say it as if it were not real! I have SEEN the Boar of Blueness. And its anal winking.

Steve teh Enemy - Supervision Report Profit! says:
Richard, you should know

Richard Manns Home - says:
Grrrrnnnngh - I think.

Steve teh Enemy - Supervision Report Profit! says:
i suspected as much

Richard Manns Home - says:
Mebbe that was its post-coitus noise - the Mysteries await us.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A lesson well learned.

Richard attempts to find a new MSN display picture...

Richard Manns 1 day to go... says:
I typed in "furry kitty cartoon" into Google Images and the first page seems to be cartoon female catpeople going down on one another - I was not expecting this.

Bailey Home says:
Richard, do you have SafeSearch on?

Bailey Home says:

Richard Manns 1 day to go... says:
I do now...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Why you should never have MSN conversations with someone who types A LOT FASTER than you do.

You must understand that I was one step behind Steve here, in a conversation about teaching people to play pool...

Bailey Home says:
"the beginning of teaching someone is the most painful, cuz they don't pick up anything..."

Steve the Enemy says:
guess what i will do this evening

Bailey Home says:
Was that a reference to me?

Steve the Enemy says:
you and ms.tang

Bailey Home says:
the bit I just quoted, I meant, not "guess what I will do this evening" :S

Bailey Home says:
Dear GOD - "you and Ms. Tang" :O

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Jesus, cool. But God?

Jess: I'm fine with Jesus, it's God I've got a problem with...

- The topic of conversation switches to religion at Nick's birthday party

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The greatest rhyme???

Andrew the Mathmo: "Fellated", "grated" - don't you think that's possibly the greatest rhyme ever known... [voice fades]