Saturday, December 10, 2005

Medics: Caring and compassionate

I know a lot of my quotes seem to be coming from various lectures/lecturers, but it seems that's all I ever do these days. What happened to my social life? Oh yeah, it went the same way as my Junior Scholarship.

This quote shows precisely what I want to be like if I ever grow up.

"This is a ten-year-old girl whose brain was full of cysts, and she kind of died."


Blogger Cez said...

Bwa ha ha hahahaha !!!! No sodding comment moderation on THIS page !!!!!

8:12 am  
Blogger Cez said...

Btw, is it just me, or are the word verification things getting easier????

8:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to be dead of a cysty brain if you ever grow up?


My word verification thingie for this comment is 8 characters long. But if you mean they're not as bloody hard to read as the ones for signing up to Hotmail, then yes... but that's because we want less difficulty.

Less difficulty means less effort, which leads to more commenting.

By the real people, at least.


And before anybody adds anything to that -

"real people" = NOT BLOODY SPAM

4:18 am  
Blogger Cez said...

You know what I meant silly Bai. But to clarify for anyone else: I want to be as caring and compassionate as that lecturer is. Not actually be a lecturer. I hate kids.

(Lovely sweeping statement there - possible exceptions can be made to anyone's cute younger brothers or sisters.)

I had a word verification that was something along the lines of "wifle". But they're also easy to read, and I'd thought they were more difficult previously, but now I realise I probably was thinking of the Hotmail ones.

Ride on, Bailendra!

4:17 pm  
Blogger Cez said...

Oh yeah, I tried doing it wrong on purpose, to see what would happen, and as I clicked the button I thought "Oh no! What if they take away my account and bar me for life!" then realised that would just be silly. People make mistakes, after all.

(Except me, I only seem to get things wrong when I'm doing it on purpose.)

4:18 pm  
Blogger Richard Manns said...

You know what - I am obviously strangely drawn towards to people who should be committed to secure units...

8:59 pm  
Blogger Cez said...

Which would be who, the lecturer in question?

[Withholding his name to protect his privacy seems to be a good idea, especially since if we didn't, he might end up being stalked by thousands of adoring Richard types.]

8:12 am  
Blogger Cez said...

By the way, it puzzles me why the comments we leave have time stamps, but not date stamps. Can anyone provide a reasonable explanation?

8:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because it makes your blog look amazing if it looks like there were 12 comments made in one day. :P

I think my highest number of comments was 21 for that one about babies and mobile phones. :D

1:23 pm  
Blogger Cez said...

But it doesn't matter, because we KNOW it's just us having a conversation in the comments page.

Although the babies one did rock, even James Howard got in on the action there.

7:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Howard got in on some baby action?

2:31 pm  

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