The Quote Book

Sunday, May 31, 2015

On condescension

Bailey: "It's your go [at poker], HL."

HL: "After I tell my story, young lady."


There's something for everyone out there...

James: "I joined a jive class... which is a great place to go if you want to dance with middle-aged women for 30 seconds at a time."


Sunday, May 10, 2015

On American lingo

The Scene: A happy group of drinkers around a table in a bar. One returns with a round of drinks; one of those drinks is placed in front of a person who hadn't quite finished their previous drink yet.

American Guest Star [in typically loud, piercing American voice]: "Hey, you're double fisting!"

A stunned silence falls abruptly, including the surrounding tables. American Guest Star remembers which country she's in, and hastily explains that she means double-parked.

Complete Stranger: "Well, he might be double-fisting later tonight, love, you never know."

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