The Quote Book

Monday, October 30, 2006


Steve, giving a pep talk:

"What? You're not an idiot! I wish I could just... nyehhhh [makes head-smacking gestures]... so you would stop saying stupid things!"

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

We can rebuild him, make him better, faster, stronger...

Sami, introducing a bemused first year to Steve at a post-Matric party:

"There are some... who say his heart is made of steel.
There are others... who call him Steve."

Steve: "Hello."

Sami: "It makes this noise [makes piston movements with hands]: *fwhee-ksht!* *fwhee-ksht!*"

Thursday, October 12, 2006

It still grosses me out.

Richard, removing the burned-on bits of bacon fat from my Foreman grill:

"They're like Smints, but bacon-flavoured!"