The Quote Book

Monday, August 31, 2009

More humour

Darrell: "Would that face ever lie?"

Blaise: "No, but it could be wrong sometimes."


Chris: "A guy walked into the toilets and tried to have a witty repartee with me about the noise of the hand dryer, but I couldn't hear him."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

We Went To The Edinburgh Fringe And Now We Think We Are Comedians Too

Chris: "Do they sell The Times here?"

Blaise: "Scotland does have The Times, it's not as backwards as Wales."


Cez, to Blaise's mum: "Guess what Blaise did this morning, she cracked an egg with her bare hands!"


Cez: "If I ever did a show at the Fringe, it would just be me ranting about all the things I hate in life."

Blaise: "It's cheaper than a psychiatrist."


Blaise: "He's a mixture between an arrogant dick and an immature wanker."

Friday, August 07, 2009

Out Of Context

Sky [James Frost's girlfriend]: "I fell asleep while he was doing it!"

Re: James writing his thesis.


Saturday, August 01, 2009

A glimpse into my Amazing, Awe-Inspiring, and Thoroughly Wonderful Sense of Humour

Ruth: "Are you alright to carry the fish and chips home?"

Cez: "Sure, I'll cuddle it to keep it warm ... or should I say, I'll CODdle it."

Ruth: [laughs, despite herself]

The above fish pun is dedicated to James O'D. Long may he rain! (Because fish like the rain, see...)
