Saturday, September 17, 2005

Religion! And Ana's first appearance...

Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
I want to start a religious sect...
Ana says:
wıth you as leader?
Ana says:
sounds dangerous
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
no, I would be a "Conduit to the Almighty"
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
so in effect, a leader, yes
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
I'd be the one taking the money and telling them what to worship
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
the Church of The Seaside
Ana says:
you are odd
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
worship The Seaside, and fish and chips may descend upon you
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
or rather, unto me, because I am your link with The Seaside
Ana says:
but wıthout the fısh ı assume
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
except the fish bit of fish and chips, because I, sorry, The Seaside, has declared that unholy
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
only those who fry their chips in vegetable oil and in a seperate fryer will be saved when the second coming of The Seaside occurs
Ana says:
you defınıtely need help
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
see, I've created a religion from scratch! it's easy!
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
everyone should have their own religion
Ana says:
what and have sort of 1 on 1 wars over them?
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
I could design them and then sell "Religion in a box", with your own holy book and list of disciples and things
Packingopotamus - Nudge for attention... says:
I'd make a killing
Ana says:
you do that, ı wıll get a proper job to support you when you faıl

Nick presents his ideas on surviving in the Real World, post-Cambridge


Blogger Richard Manns said...

The tittles on Ana's "i"s have disappeared... :S

Religion in a box - like a Mac mini, right?

7:03 pm  
Blogger Richard Manns said...

Hey! I beat the spammers!

7:04 pm  
Blogger Nickopotamus said...

The irony of the spam being for a dating site after Anickdaler attempt to reclaim the title of cutest BBO couple off Bailriada? Also, I think the disappearing i dots are due to the dodgy charset used by Turkish keyboards.

As for religion in a box, I was thinking something more along the lines of Jeez-It or I can't believe it's not Jesus ;) I feel Apple as a whole is a religion of it's own accord though...

2:03 pm  
Blogger Nickopotamus said...

And there should be an "is" instead of an "as" in that last sentence :)

2:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... surely the Jeez-its and so on are new Christian denominations in a box? Where do fish and chips come into it? :P

Mind you, Mark's Gospel does mention fish quite a few times.

2:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are they really called tittles??

2:16 pm  
Blogger Nickopotamus said...

It wasn't loaves, it was potatoes that Jesus had when he was feeding the five (?) thousand. That and an army of friers with infinite source of batter

3:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



In Palestine circa AD 30-something?

You could technically use the argument that "If he's God he can get any foodstuff" - but if I remember right he took the food from his disciples/a small boy who was passing, depending on which Gospel you read...


I'm not a Jesus freak.

Ooh, can I make the "army of friars" joke?

11:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[awaits retribution]

11:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(And yes, it was 5000, although Mark also gives an earlier story of "Jesus feeds a large crowd" which was in some ways the same, but the crowd size was something like 7000...



11:26 pm  
Blogger Cez said...

The way I heard it was that Jesus used his advantage of height, age, and beard to steal a lunchbox off this little kid.

I mean, his mom packed it specially. How low can you get?

5:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes you worry about the chemical additives in the fish, though, if they can multiply like that...

7:54 pm  

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