Best not to ask, really.
Sunday 11/09/05, 7.55pm
Cez says:
I was just about to go look for more knives.
Cez says:
When I'd finished my research on child benefits and tax breaks.
Cez says:
Eep - that came out the wrong way.
Cez says:
Add "in nuclear families" onto the end of that sentence.
Cez says:
I was just about to go look for more knives.
Cez says:
When I'd finished my research on child benefits and tax breaks.
Cez says:
Eep - that came out the wrong way.
Cez says:
Add "in nuclear families" onto the end of that sentence.
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[&nbps; $/&automaticspammachine
malfunction {/br}
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[---this coding should not be visible. If this coding appears on your PC it means we have permanently lodged a SpamBot on your hard drive. We do that because we are ratbastards, and also to compensate for penis size---]
The ironic thing is, this post didn't actually get spammed...
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