Friday, September 09, 2005

Richard makes up for missing an innuendo, while talking to the esteemed Mrs. Angela Donnelly

This conversation took place without the aid of webcam to let Richard know that he was talking to the mother of the person who was nominally on MSN at the time. The mention of penguins is due to the "Emperor Penguins DO RULE!!" post. Richard did not guess who he was talking to, so had a bit of a surprise when webcam was turned on - although, to be fair, he did realise that something wasn't right.

Thursday 08/09/05, sometime between 11pm and 12am

Richard says:
May I ask why a penguin?
Richard says:
Obviously, seagulls will be disappointed.
Bailey says:
cos there were no kitkats
Richard says:
Aaaaah - it makes SENSE... but getting the biscuity bits out is hell.
Richard says:
Although Twix is worse.
Bailey says:
is there nothing you haven't tried
Richard says:
I haven't tried any of it - but I've heard stories - mostly from my parents, admittedly - +o(
Bailey says:
although you only get 4 fingers in a kitkat
Richard says:
4 fingers isn't enough for you?
Bailey says: i understand
Richard says:
Bailey says:
in america you would have a lifetime of therapy for those stories
Richard says:
Yes - they never said they'd done it, but now the idea is in my head, and it won't go away... :'(
Bailey says:
so sue them
Richard says:
Richard says:
Because suing you won't eat into my inheritance...
Bailey says:
if they don't spend it all on chocolate bars....
Richard says:
[goes into spasm]

But, honestly... SYNTAX, dammit. I have an MSN manner... where are the excessive ":P" smilies? Where are the "...", the capital letters, the occasional double-question-marked questions?... and since when do I use words like "cos"?


Worth it for this conversation, though. :D


Blogger Richard Manns said...

I TOLD you - I thought you were depressed, or something... PMT perhaps, but as I told your mum, wrong time of the month...

1:11 pm  
Blogger Cez said...

But... SYNTAX !!!!! It doesn't change !!! It is more constant than the surface of the Moon would be if those darned astronauts didn't keep going tromping all over it in their Size 14 moonboots !!!! Or the confounded crawly robot things that build moonsandcastles !!!!! Or those annoying little asteroids that think it's FUN to plow into bigger objects, thus obliterating themselves !!!!!!!!!!

What was I saying?

Oh yeah. Syntax.

Has anyone ever checked that that word means what I think it means?

10:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, no, but you've used it enough times on MSN with "me" (Gerard with me in the background asking him to give me back the PC) that the idea of "SYNTAX!!" has now taken root...

8:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

syn·tax ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sntks)

a)The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences.
b)A publication, such as a book, that presents such rules.
c)The pattern of formation of sentences or phrases in a language.
d)Such a pattern in a particular sentence or discourse.

2)Computer Science. The rules governing the formation of statements in a programming language.

3)A systematic, orderly arrangement.

[French syntaxe, from Late Latin syntaxis, from Greek suntaxis, from suntassein, to put in order : sun-, syn- + tassein, tag-, to arrange.]


i.e., the words used, the order I choose to put the words in, overall grammar... in general, a written style.

I think it's what you meant, although I'm pretty sure the capitalisation of words like "America" and "KitKats" would be the biggest difference to mark me out from my mother... then again, her 'syntax' (as I understand the word to mean) tends to be seen as shortshortshort sentences (can't type too quickly, bless her), whereas I can sometimes ramble on for aaaaages as I'm proving right now...

8:47 pm  
Blogger Richard Manns said...

OK, a) you are similar to your mother - FACE IT. b) I thought there was something wrong, but that you weren't you hadn't crossed my mind - saying HA! This isn't SARAH'S syntax! You are a fraud! wouldn't look too cool if I were right and REALLY stupid if I were wrong.

11:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To this I reply with the most immature phrase in the English language.

And yeah, I'm aware I'm a bit like her, but this doesn't worry me as I, and, more importantly, my friends, seem to get along fine with her, but also I would suggest (from the little I've seen) that you're a bit like your mother as well...

12:04 am  

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