Triple birthday formal
Sarah LB: "Sorry, who is Buttplug McQueefqueef?"
- Sarah comes in late to a very normal conversation
Sophie: "Must-get-delicious-lamb! Must get DELICIOUS LAMB!"
- while machete-ing the tasty but unyielding lamb shank
Megan: "We have been whipping people... just the essentials."
Richard: "You whip 'the essentials'?"
- don't look at me, I don't remember how this happened
Oh dear, you've misquoted Sophie. I said the delicious lamb quote as well. It was a good night for me evidently
'Twas an awesome night for all.
Oh noes. Really? I have like, a visual memory of Sophie hacking at a lamb shank while saying it... maybe she followed your lead, and I only noticed at that point?
Or yes, maybe it was just an awesome night for all. :P
Also, I notice you two have both dropped comments but neither one was in explanation of "whipping the essentials"!
I'm afraid I can't explain that one, but it might have had something to do with the G&T
I think it was something along the lines of only doing the essential things.. like whipping... as a joke... but it came out really weird
But yes, definitely me for the lamb first then I think Sophie must have followed my lead
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