Monday, August 21, 2006

Hybrids and pronunciations

This all started with a new track that was being introduced to me...

Bailey: you know, has me listening to a lot of very Gothy-named music... :P
Richard: Oh dear - well, this may be showing the secret roots of your current music choice...
Bailey: My "roots", as you put it, draw on "Sonne" by Rammstein.
Bailey: Dramatic vocals and power guitar.
Richard: Your rootz.
Bailey: That was all I asked.
Richard: In da Hood.
Bailey: Goths are into hip-hop now?
Richard: Imagine the unholy offspring...
Bailey: "Yo, G. What be tha haps ma may-aaaahn?" "Naw much, braw. Just chillin' mah illin', thinkin' 'bout how vamps got it real, aight?"
Richard: I'm not sure that white make-up would really cut it with the darker hues amongst us - they may need to upgrade to emulsion.
Bailey: "Word - they be damned all eternal-like, they got they's angst on... they got tha *skillz*, dude..."
Bailey: Well, what with all the pre-existing wiggas, I don't think it'd make much difference.
Richard: You speak truthfully.

And later...

Bailey: We're going to use "vagoo" any time in the future that the word "vagina" or a substitute is required in conversation, aren't we?
Richard: Not until you asked...
Richard: :D
Bailey: How do you think it's pronounced?
Richard: Like Ragu only with a "v".
Richard: Perhaps the emphasis on the 2nd syllable.
Bailey: Hm.
Bailey: I agree with the choice of "g" sound.
Bailey: I don't know about the inflection.
Richard: You would prefer "VAG-oo"?
Bailey: Perhaps.
Richard: Or even "VA-goo"?
Bailey: the first of those two.
Bailey: Not the second.
Richard: I think that the 2nd syllable should lengthened too - :D
Bailey: :D
Bailey: Yes.
Bailey: That will do.
Bailey: Vag-OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!
Richard: :D :D :D
Richard: Sarah Tang shall have to be recruited.

Bailey: She will spread the word.
Bailey: {...}
Bailey: Aaaaaaand the Game is lost.


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