Verily the dark dayes shalle come forth, and inne chambers of right feeble glist shalle the internette geekes muster their dredde forces; they shalle forge yvel pathweyes fromme bodeyes of right honorable technophobes, slayne inne face of the yvel inne-jokes.
Butte there shalle followe a golden age: the geeke shalle mede all with free distributionne of all pornographie, and the developmente of computer entertainmentes that do not sucke ass the more famed the franchise becommes, and the culling of theye who are juste stupide for nowe goode reasonne as welle as the entire state of Alabama and maybe Texas.
And yea verily, there shalle be much rejoicing and drinkinge of meade.
I pray for your souls. And Kylie's.
I thought you didn't believe in Jeebus? :P
Wait a minute...
Oh noes! What dark god *are* you praying to and what are you bartering our souls for?!?!? ;)
I apologise for the excessive internet geekery in the previous comment.
Oh noes! Tis an internet geek! Verily, forsooth!
Verily the dark dayes shalle come forth, and inne chambers of right feeble glist shalle the internette geekes muster their dredde forces; they shalle forge yvel pathweyes fromme bodeyes of right honorable technophobes, slayne inne face of the yvel inne-jokes.
Butte there shalle followe a golden age: the geeke shalle mede all with free distributionne of all pornographie, and the developmente of computer entertainmentes that do not sucke ass the more famed the franchise becommes, and the culling of theye who are juste stupide for nowe goode reasonne as welle as the entire state of Alabama and maybe Texas.
And yea verily, there shalle be much rejoicing and drinkinge of meade.
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