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NAB lecture, 29/11/05
The lecturer warned us beforehand that the camerawork was shoddy on the video (dogs showing hyperkinesia) we were about to watch, and it was definitely a bit unsteady...
Lecturer: "... and you can see the involuntary flexing of the hindl-"
[camera completely randomly pans away from both dogs and focuses on the floor]
[a beat, while camera stays fixated on the floor]
"... erm... that's the floor."
[camera shifts slightly]
"And that's the table."
[something brown bobs along the edge of the screen and disappears again]
"Ah, there's the dog."
(The cameraman did eventually manage to locate the dog again, thankfully.)
The lecturer warned us beforehand that the camerawork was shoddy on the video (dogs showing hyperkinesia) we were about to watch, and it was definitely a bit unsteady...
Lecturer: "... and you can see the involuntary flexing of the hindl-"
[camera completely randomly pans away from both dogs and focuses on the floor]
[a beat, while camera stays fixated on the floor]
"... erm... that's the floor."
[camera shifts slightly]
"And that's the table."
[something brown bobs along the edge of the screen and disappears again]
"Ah, there's the dog."
(The cameraman did eventually manage to locate the dog again, thankfully.)
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