Friday, November 18, 2005

Clearing the backlog.....

I realise how dodgy the title is in itself, but I am literally shoving a pile of quotes at you that I've been scribbling down in lectures, that still amuse me when I read through them.

Most of them will make you worry about the future of the NHS.

Neuroanatomy supervision, 9th November

Richard: You can whip it out quicker than you put it in....

This integrated itself as a bullet point into my notes on deep brain stimulation as a treatment for Parkinson's disease.

Repro lecture, 14th November

Lecturer: ... and I presume you can all read, so we'll just skip this bit.... [flips forward about eight pages]

Pathology lecture, 14th November

Lecturer: We could infect a hundred children with the virus and see what happens, but some people found this unethical.

Pathology lecture, 16th November

I think this one is best kept out of context; enough to say it was spurred by my giggling at a picture of a part of the brain that resembles testicles.

Richard: You're a bollock.
Cez: You're a bollock.
Richard: We're two bollocks. And Sarah Donnelly is our scrotum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, I'm a fairly useless and unattractive thing that hangs around youse all the time?

Or maybe you meant I was a scrotum in a nice way... :P

4:08 pm  
Blogger Cez said...

You're the essential organ (because skin is an organ) that holds Richard and I together, without whom we would fall from the continuoum and be trampled into paste on the floor of life.....

10:27 pm  

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